Offset Printing

Everything to Know About Offset Printing

Everything to Know About Offset Printing

Offset Printing
Offset lithography is the most common technique for printing large quantities of publications, textbooks, instructions, brochures, direct-mail items, stationery, billboards, and paper-based branding and packaging. Due to the sheer fixed costs associated with preparing each project in this offset printing, the price of every piece in a 300-copy order will be costlier of each component in a 15,000-copy project. It’s method of work The panels are designed in such a way that the greasy inks cling solely to the areas of the sheet that hold the words and pictures. A tiny layer of water applied to the frame's empty sections repulses the oil-based pigments. The pigment on the discs will be first transported to a blanket cylinder coated in leather. When the painted cloth tube rotates over the ...